The use of essential oils has been increasing among holistic practitioners, veterinarians, and individuals who are seeking complementary alternatives to help reduce anxiety, reduce conflict, and enhance other health practices.

The Young Living company produces carefully distilled single oils and blends that are subjected to specific and consistent quality control protocols, and clients are provided with instructions and information published by licensed health practitioners and scientists regarding the use of these oils.

Aromatherapy may be combined with chakra balancing and emotional release, or any other service. Great care is always taken to ensure that no harm is done, and clients are never exposed to the use of these products without express permission and full knowledge of the contents of the products used.

Essential oils are the oldest “medicines” known to mankind, and have been used historically in religious and healing rituals. Defyning Moments, LLC, Animals Know! and Denise Norberg-Johnson never diagnose, treat, or claim to cure any physical illness or condition, and never suggest or advise that standard traditional medical treatment be discontinued or replaced by the used of aromatherapy.

Book your In-Person Essential Oils Aromatherapy / Anointing session today!

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"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
- Albert Einstein