If you have ever wondered what happened to your carefully laid plans, and why your life hasn't followed the path you expected, this book will give you hope and reassure you that everything is unfolding as it is meant to happen.

Share the story of one ordinary woman who found the keys to her own journey, and recognized the moments that defied her best-laid plans and redefined her path.

After decades of job-hopping and failed relationships, Denise Norberg – Johnson wondered whether she was a Renaissance woman or merely a dilettante skimming the surface of life.

Then, one remark by a talk show guest awoke her to a new understanding of the moments that shaped her life, and the Defyning Moments concept was born.

Order your signed copy of Defyning Moments - Lessons from an Ordinary Life today!


You Can Change Your Life!

Defyning Moments, LLC offers a new path to optimal health and well-being for people and their animals.

Recreate your environment and your relationships, and allow your body to do what it was designed to do – heal, regenerate and become whole again.

Improve your relationships with your companion animals and provide them the support they need to live happier, healthier lives.


  • Animals Know!: Animal Communication, Aromatherapy/ Anointing, Chakra Balancing/ Emotional Release, Shelter/ Rescue Liaison, Transition/ Euthanasia Support

  • Defyning Moments: Akashic Records Readings, Aromatherapy/ Anointing, Chakra Balancing/ Emotional Release, Crystal Healing, The LifeLine Technique

  • Defy and Know Community: Special discounts, resources, and support for subscribers

  • Professional Author and Speaker: Publications, presentations, and education

How Thoughts Affect Our Reality

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."
- Job 12:7-10